
Visualize It to Realize It

The most powerful way to think positively is to visualize what you want.

Using your imagination, you can create a crystal-clear image of your ideal situation. The more detail the better. Be free and have fun with it. Don't hold back. It's okay to feel excited about the possibilities.

Some people (like the HH) think that if you allow yourself dream too much that you'll somehow be jinxed.

That's not the case at all.

Visualizing your ideal life does not mean that you are careless, make poor decisions, or are ill prepared for the worst.

It just means that you are open to all the good things that life has to offer.

To help you visualize, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, recommends making a vision board.

Collect photos representing the things that you want in life. You can do this with a magazine and poster board or do a search in
Google images. (That’s how I did it.) Then, cut/paste the images into a Word doc.

Then, place your vision board where you can see it every day.

Your vision board does not have to be all about material possessions.

For example, for my idea of having a “long, happy marriage” I found a photo of a playful older couple.

But what’s life without a few fun, material goodies, so I put a picture of a new tricked-out Zodiac boat for the HH. (Partly, because I'm trying to prove to him that this process works.)

When you look at your vision board, it will help you imagine what you want your life to be – and according to every positive-thinking/motivational book in the world, it will happen just as you imagined – or even better.

When I created this vision board about a year ago, I added an image about writing a blog, but I had no idea what my topic would be or how I’d ever find the time.

And here I am.